Blog Post #3 (8 Values of Freedom)

On the Eight Values of Free Expression, the one that stood out to me is promoting tolerance because of the internet and social media. When content creators or people post something to social media, a lot of the time, they will get hate comments on their posts about their content. For people new to social media, when they see those hate comments, they might get discouraged, embarrassed, or angry and stop posting content. Content creators get hate comments all the time, but they have learned to tolerate the hate comments. By becoming more tolerant, they are able to ignore hate comments and become a better person. Another expression that stood out to me is promoting innovation because being creative is what allows society to grow in terms of new ideas and inventions coming out. Promoting tolerance and creativity goes hand in hand because sometimes the ideas that are created will be hated upon by other people, so having tolerance to those hated responses allow the ideas to continue to be improved on.

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